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The BETWEEN keyword in MySQL is used to determine the records within a specified range. The basic syntax for MySQL BETWEEN is as follows: 1 SELECT ColumnName1,ColumnName2…… FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName BETWEEN ColumnValue1 AND ColumnValue2 ColumnName1, ColumnName2…….. are the names of the columns whose values are being retrieved. TableName is the name of the table […]


In databases, the importance of Key is known to all and when it comes to insertion of records into an existing database MySQL offers a function that automatically increments the primary key. This reduces the burden of administrators to a huge amount. For example, the total number of employee that a company has may be […]


One of the most useful and widely used feature of MySQL is indexing. The index can be thought of as data structure which is responsible for optimizing the speed of retrieving records from a database table. These indexes come very handy when we need to make very fast random lookups through the table’s records. Also, […]


The DISTINCT keyword is responsible for eliminating the occurrences of same data and displaying the records from a MySQL table. As we can readily understand from its name, it shows all the distinct records from the table. The basic syntax for the DISTINCT keyword is as follows: 1 Select DISTINCT ColumnName FROM TableName; {ColumnName refers […]


Every day, we come across billions and trillions of data. The nearby grocery store maintains an inventory of its available or out-of stock products, the hospital maintains its patient’s list, the information about different medicines, wards, research works, our office maintains the list of employees, their hierarchies, their salaries, the government maintains a list of […]


LIKE is mostly used for matching pattern in a record. The basic syntax of MySQL LIKE is: 1 2 SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2,… FROM TableName1, TableName2…… WHERE ColumnName1 LIKE Condition1 [AND [OR]] ColumnName2= ‘Value'; The MySQL SELECT command retrieves and shows us the data from a MySQL table. We might be interested in fetching and showing […]


We have been talking a lot about our MySQL databases, the different operators, the manipulation of records, the retrieval of records, making the queries fast by indexing, so on and so forth. What comes into the mind as a natural question is: what makes up all these data? The answer is: the VALUES. Obviously, the […]


What comes into the mind when we think of the word Alias? Obviously, it’s meaning? Alias is used to refer someone or something with another name. This is what exactly the Alias in MySQL does. We create an alias by using the keyword AS. In MySQL, we can have an Alias for: A database table […]


There are numerous situations that come up in real-life where there is a need to combine the results of two or more databases. However, while it does so it removes the duplicates. It is an extremely beneficial MySQL function and we would take you through the advanced features of this MySQL function in the latter […]

MySQL Advantages9

Over the years MySQL databases have been the best performers when compared with various databases that are available in the market. Most people just learning databases or trying to get something out of databases wonder what is so special in MySQL databases that makes it a clear winner over it competitors? We take you through […]